Lundi 9 décembre 1 09 /12 /Déc 03:14

Oblivion skyrim nwpss north face online mens ski black jackets gore-tex alchemy potion recipe and value calculator So you want to make a whole bunch of money in syrim?Well sit back and listen to the tale of old zap and his potion making ways.You see, zap was once a poor skyrim slob just like you, then he came upon this secret webpage and figured out how to break the bank in skyrim with a few twigs, some pretty flowers and some stinky giant toes! It all starts with gathering.Make sur eyou pick up everything you see as you're travelling around skyrim doing errands for the 'finer' folk in skyrim.Although zap never did much of that, preferring to make his living the old fashioned way.No i don't mean stealing it!Although he might have done that once or twice in the begining. No, i'm talking about working!Mixing potions and selling them to the pretty ladies in town.You see one of the early perks in speechcraft is to get better prices from the ladies.Allure i think it's called. So i already told you to pick up everthing you find lying around, then what you want to do is go to an alchemist shop and use their mixing bench.Then you go to your ingredients list and you type the number of ingredients onto this web page here.Thne click calc potions and this page will show you the most profitable list of potions to create with the ingredients that you have. Then sell them to the pretty ladies in town and use the money to buy more ingredients nwpss north face online mens leopard grain red jackets windbreaker and to train in alchemy and speechcraft.A good place to do this is solitude becasue you have lot's of pretty shop keepers and the speechcraft trainer.

Par chenyun
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